Little African boy filled with the Spirit singing Above All and overcome with emotion
Christian Music Christian Sacrifice Faith Featured Video The Good News of Jesus

Spirit-Filled 3-Year-Old African Boy is Overcome – Jesus Died for Him

People who are Christian understand that Jesus died a terrible death so that we might be blessed with eternal life. It can be emotional to think about it instead of just accepting it in principle and repeating “Jesus died for my sins.”  It was a terrible death and Jesus was mocked and persecuted. This little boy, singing the song Above All in his church in Africa, filled with the Spirit, clearly understands Jesus’ sacrifice, even at 3-years old and breaks down in tears at that thought. Anyone watching this will have tears in their eyes. Bless this little boy. He understand what many adults don’t.

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The Rapture of the Church Jesus meets believers in the clouds The Rapture is near
Faith News of Joy Tenets of Christianity The Good News The Good News of Jesus You Must be Saved

The Rapture of the Church

The Rapture is an event that most Evangelical Christians believe in and understand will happen thanks to writings by the Apostle Paul and others in the Bible. While many who claim to be “Christian” and many non-believers don’t really understand what the Rapture means; it’s importance cannot be overstated. The Apostle Paul describes the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. The term “Rapture” comes from a Latin word meaning “a carrying off, a transport, or a snatching away.” In verses 16 and 17, the Apostle Paul says: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with …

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News of Joy Realities of Everyday Life The Good News of Jesus

Thank God there are Young People Like Taylor

Although I know there are many devout Christians in the Gen-Z and Millennials generations; there aren’t many of them on social media putting out a message of Jesus’s love. Their efforts to evangelize to their generations should be appreciated. By leading people to Jesus, they are offering them eternal life with God. What better gift could you possibly give another person? One of those Gen-Z influencers, who is a blessing to her generation, is Taylor Alesia. Her enthusiasm for Jesus is compelling and her focus on Jesus is the right focus for anyone who may become a new Christian. Subscribe to her Youtube channel and get some great insights into the Bible, Christianity and current culture. See one of Taylor’s recent messages here:

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soul sleep concept of soul sleep Christianity when you die Heaven
News of Joy The Good News of Jesus

The Apostle Paul’s Message to the Thessalonians

The Apostle Paul could not have been more clear and unambiguous in his message to the Thessalonians, found in chapter 4 and verses 13-18. “Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.  According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and …

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Faith Modern Day Christianophobia Tenets of Christianity

Arguments for the Existence of God

There are far more intellectual arguments in favor of God than most believers realize when confronted by an Atheist or a non-believer. Those arguments can be broken down into several tools of logic or they can be used together in summation for a more powerful argument. I have often made a teleological argument myself, finding that to be really compelling and using other examples than those in this video, although the ones in the video are very good. I have also elicited Pascal’s Wager in discussions with non-believers. It may not be an argument for God, but it certainly is a logical argument for someone who may be marginal and not a steadfast Atheist. Credit for this video goes to Redeemed Zoomer, who even adds some humor to what could …

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Faith Tenets of Christianity The Good News The Good News of Jesus

How Your Prayers will Work

A really great sermon by Pastor Bobby Schuller asking “What is Your Purpose” and starting with the story of Elijah from the Old Testament (and Elisha). Elijah had performed 7 miracles and was considered a superstar in his time. His disciple Elisha ended up performing 14 miracles after Elijah was taken up to Heaven. Schuller talks about having a vision. He talks about writing down goals. What does it take to achieve goals and make them more manageable? He says to “go for no” because after many “no’s,” there will be a “yes.”  He talks about reframing things through the “lens of faith.” He talks about getting excited for the future. Most important, he refers to Mark 11:22 – 26, where Jesus talks about the importance of faith. ““Have faith …

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Faith Featured Video The Good News of Jesus

Please Pray for Judge Frank Caprio

This website has a prayers page where people can request prayers for someone in need of prayer, but I decided to put this prayer request on the front page. Judge Caprio posted a request for prayers on December 6, 2023 on Youtube. As of 1/10/24, that short video had 8,358,205 views and 192,124 comments. Judge Caprio is very smart to ask for prayers. The judge is now in his 80s and was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Most doctors would give the judge little hope, but the Greatest Physician isn’t “most doctors.”  The one who created us can also heal us.  God is supernatural and his healing isn’t something we can understand. But, it requires faith. Jesus said that we must pray and believe. That takes faith because we are …

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soul sleep concept of soul sleep Christianity when you die Heaven
Tenets of Christianity The Good News of Jesus

Nobody is in Heaven

At least; almost nobody. I was reading some tributes recently on social media to a much-loved British actor who just died. Of the hundreds of comments, one said “sleep soundly mate.”  How often to we wish that the person who has just passed away “rest in peace?” (RIP)  Did you ever consider that the one fan’s comment and the well-wishes of rest in peace are both very Biblical? Jesus told the disciples that his friend Lazarus “sleeps,” when describing his death. Jesus had no reason to employ euphemisms. Jesus described Heaven as “paradise.”  Since we know that Heaven is a billion times more wonderful than life on earth, would Jesus have forced Lazarus to leave the splendor of Heaven and return to this earth?  Would Peter have done the same …

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Faith Featured Video The Good News of Jesus

Why the Nativity – a wonderful video about the birth of the Savior

This is both a wonderfully produced video and a wonderful educational video, reminding us of what happened when Jesus was born and what occurred at that time. It includes historic details that every person should know and think about. The reason for the season is being quickly erased from American culture. This beautiful video is a reminder of why we celebrate Christmas and it’s relevance to all people. Thank you Dr. David Jerimiah and all those who made this video possible.

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Christian Sacrifice Faith Featured Video News of Joy Realities of Everyday Life

Unsilenced TV Special; When UK Anti-Christians Tried to Silence Gods Message

The entire New Testament of the Bible is a message of love. It is at the very core of every book of the New Testament and Jesus’ central message. That message of loving other people is repeated by every Evangelical pastor, who preaches the Gospel. When asked about the most important commandment, Jesus answered by saying:  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”  This answer is found in the writings of three of the Gospels. Jesus clearly stated that in Christianity, loving your neighbor, i.e. loving other humans, as you …

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