The Rapture of the Church Jesus meets believers in the clouds The Rapture is near
Faith News of Joy Tenets of Christianity The Good News The Good News of Jesus You Must be Saved

The Rapture of the Church

The Rapture is an event that most Evangelical Christians believe in and understand will happen thanks to writings by the Apostle Paul and others in the Bible. While many who claim to be “Christian” and many non-believers don’t really understand what the Rapture means; it’s importance cannot be overstated. The Apostle Paul describes the Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17. The term “Rapture” comes from a Latin word meaning “a carrying off, a transport, or a snatching away.” In verses 16 and 17, the Apostle Paul says: “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with …

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Faith Tenets of Christianity The Good News The Good News of Jesus

How Your Prayers will Work

A really great sermon by Pastor Bobby Schuller asking “What is Your Purpose” and starting with the story of Elijah from the Old Testament (and Elisha). Elijah had performed 7 miracles and was considered a superstar in his time. His disciple Elisha ended up performing 14 miracles after Elijah was taken up to Heaven. Schuller talks about having a vision. He talks about writing down goals. What does it take to achieve goals and make them more manageable? He says to “go for no” because after many “no’s,” there will be a “yes.”  He talks about reframing things through the “lens of faith.” He talks about getting excited for the future. Most important, he refers to Mark 11:22 – 26, where Jesus talks about the importance of faith. ““Have faith …

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The Good News

Gang Member by 12; Drugs, Guns, Prison; What Could Change him?

Former gang member Johnny is interviewed by Mark Laita in this insightful video.  Johnny tells the story of his life, his violent father who beat him and his mother, the drugs, entering an Asian gang in California at age 12 and eventually prison.  His testimony is not what you expect as you watch this video.  The ending will surprise you.  There is only one thing that can turn a person’s life entirely around.

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Christianity Christian How do I become a Christian what is a Christian Jesus Lord Saved
The Good News

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ

Christianity is very simple; it’s not complicated. It’s not rituals or memorization or how much money you give to a church. It doesn’t require you to be an official member of a church. There is no need to over-complicate Christianity. In Acts 16:31, the Apostle Luke tells us: “And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.” This was what the Apostle Paul and Silas told the jailer after the jailer asked them: “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?” This is how uncomplicated Christianity actually is. You do not have to memorize every word of the Bible or responses to a pastor that are a part of a particular denomination’s rituals. You just have to believe in Jesus and tell …

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Easter, Jesus, Jesus Christ, He is Risen Remember the reason The reason for Easter Easter 2020
The Good News

Easter; Remember the Reason

Jesus died on the Cross, was buried and rose on the third day. If there was any doubt that he was who he said, then that doubt was removed as so many saw him hang on the cross, his body laid in the tomb, and then 500 saw him after he rose again. He is Risen. For those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their sin was been wiped clean and they can live with Jesus in Heaven for eternity. It is the greatest gift we can receive and Easter celebrates that fact. Remember the reason for this holiday. It’s not about bunnies and eggs.

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The Good News

Why Good Friday?

Why do Christians call the Friday before Easter; Good Friday?  After all, it was the day that Christ hung on the cross. Before that, he was whipped and had a crown of thorns pressed into his head. He endured incredible pain. The fact that Jesus hung on that cross is what Good Friday commemorates. Before Christ appeared on earth, all humans risked permanent separation from God.  That meant that when a human died, they would face eternity separated from God and that is what is often referred to as hell. All humans sin and that sin displeases God.  We cannot continue to sin and expect to spend eternity with God; something Jesus referred to as “paradise.” Instead, what happened, is that God came to this earth in the form of …

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The Good News

News of Joy

The name of this website refers to the good news that Jesus Christ gives all humans a bridge to God. Despite our sin, we do not have to be condemned to eternity in hell, but we have the great opportunity to spend eternity in Heaven with God. In hell, we are separated from him. It is most fitting, this time of year, that we think of the true news of joy that came by way of a manger on that first Christmas and attracted the attention of distant shepherds and wise men. There appeared an angel who said; “Don’t be afraid!” “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people.” That joy is knowing that through this little baby, who later grew up and spread a …

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The Good News

New President – hope for Christians

With the inauguration of a new U.S. president, I pray that the persecution of Christians in America, and around the world, will end.  We know that in countries, where Christians are a minority today, the persecution will continue. But, there is hope that this new president, will work diligently, to go after those who would harm Christians because of their faith. In America, where the Founders were Christians, and where the founding documents all referred to God, I am hopeful that the anti-Christian narrative will be dampened. With a new administration, that looks to the Christian God for guidance and wisdom, the country has a better chance to allow the good work of Christians to prosper and go forth. It is my prayer, that when public figures express their faith …

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The Good News

Are you someone who doesn’t believe in God?

For a Christian, it’s hard to even ask that question. But, for many people today, our culture has instilled this idea in many people’s heads that they should not believe in God. As many Atheists will ask; “Where is your God………I don’t see him. So, you believe in a fairy tale?” There are two better questions to ask yourself that might help you understand why you believe you don’t believe in God. The first is the Atheist’s question. To someone like me, that question is silly.  I look around me at the trees that clean our air, the sunshine that creates chlorophyll to allow plants to live, the birds who find food every day, the changes in a woman’s body as it prepares to protect and nourish a new baby …

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The Good News

God; He cares for you

In 1 Peter 5:6-7, in the NIV version of the Bible, we are told: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. There are two things you can take away from this verse; one is that the most mighty being in the universe will lift you up in due time. If you have problems, He will lift you up. And, something that is just as reassuring, is that you can cast your anxiety on him because HE CARES FOR YOU.  That last point is very important. You are His creation and he loves you like a parent. If you need to unload some anxiety that is lowering your quality of life, …

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